NEBG Newsletter July 2021
Volume 2021, Number 1 July 25, 2021
Bonanza and Beechcraft Owners Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Sunday, August 22 , 11:00am – KGED – Georgetown, DE
Join us for lunch!
“Arena’s at the Airport” is right on the ramp overlooking the runway. The food and service here has earned many ‘Best of Delaware’ awards over the years. Crab cakes and crab soup are specialties.
Saturday, September 18 KMTP – Montauk, NY 11:30am (restaurant opens at noon)
The Inlet Seafood Restaurant is owned by six fisherman from Montauk, NY as an offshoot of Montauk Inlet Seafood, the largest packer/shipper of fresh seafood in New York State.
From the airport, walk northwest to beach a half mile. After lunch, walk on the beach.
Message from the President
NEBG Members,
Good to be getting together again and hopefully putting COVID somewhat behind us.
On June 12, we did have a fly out to Luray Caverns. The starter on my airplane failed at my home base, so my sister, Patty Fiedler, and I hopped in David Breskman’s airplane (also based at KPTW, Pottstown, PA) and the three of us went down in his plane. Brent Hippert flew in from Martin State Airport in Maryland (KMTN).
Several others were planning on going but cancelled due to weather (generally low clouds with not great instrument approaches to this mountain airport).
The airport is KLUA, Luray, VA. The maintenance shop there is Aircraft Maintenance Solutions, and they are well regarded for their work on Bonanzas and Barons.
The airport staff was willing to drive us, but we walked the mile of country roads to get to the Caverns. There was a lot of people Lunch at the DeTraglia home in Lake Placid, NY

there, but it was well managed and never felt crowded. Afterwards at the on-site restaurant, which was uncrowded, we bought lunch and ate outside.
The caverns are amazing with an incredible variety of underground formations and room. The reflecting pool was the most remarkable visual effect for me. It takes about an hour to walk through.
On July 17, we had a fly out to Lake Placid, NY (KLKP). One of our members, Michael DeTraglia, livers near the airport and the plan was to go to his house for a barbecue. We initially had over twenty members signed up to attend. At least one couple wanted
to go for the weekend, but they couldn’t get a rental car anywhere. Weather was also very challenging with thunderstorms rolling through. Many cancelled (I had a funeral conflict). David Breskman was the sole NEBG member that actually made it in. He, along with Michael & Natalie DeTraglia, and a few local airport friends had a nice lunch. David had quite a flight back to Pottstown dodging the weather.
We have two future lunch fly outs scheduled. See the sidebar on page 1 for more information. I will post both of these events on the new website. Please try to sign on to the website and sign up. Alternatively, send me an email or text that you are coming, your N number, and how many are in your party.
I know that the website is still a work in progress, but we are getting closer!
Mike McNamara
The Flight is the Reason