NEBG Annual Planning Meeting

Join us at the Reading, PA Airport (KRDG) for the annual recap of 2023 and to discuss plans for 2024. Arrive at 9:30AM, meet 10AM, lunch around 11:30 or noon. An airline is coming in at 4PM and they want us out of there by 2PM. Ask for parking by the restuarant.  If you will


Montauk, NY Lunch

April 20, Montauk, NY for lunch. Walk to the great restaurant.


Lunch at Barnes, Westfield MA KBAF

May 18, Westfield, MA (KBAF), great lunch spot and there is a museum to peruse. Michael
Shehl to organize (I’ll help). Tentative date.

AOPA Fly-In Tour & Presentation


May 17, 2025 AOPA Tour and Presentation by Adrian Eichhorn Please join us for a Saturday tour of AOPA headquarters. Adrian Eichhorn will do a presentation about his round the world trip and flight over the North Pole in his Bonanza. It's a fly-in event to KFDK and lunch at the Airways Inn, a favorite