Welcome to 2025, another great year.
Here in PA we have been getting more than the usual amount of cold weather, ice & snow. My wife & I spent a week in Crystal River, FL to get away from the cold. Flew into Crystal River Airport, a nice little airport with fuel & rental cars through Enterprise which worked well.
I am headed to Texas for 2 weeks in my airplane starting March 5.
I will be at Sun N Fun and have signed up for the ABS dinner on April 2. Hope to see you there. I also signed up for the ABS dinner at Oshkosh and have signed for for the ABS convention in September in Wichita.
I will NOT make the Beech Bash in Madisonville, KY. I went last year and enjoyed it. There is just too much on my schedule this year.
Dominican Republic – April 8 to 11 (really 6th to 13 depending).
This is organized by Caribbean Flying Adventures. It leaves Florida April 8, 2 days after Sun-N-Fun ends. Michael Madigan and I have already put our deposits down. Slots fill up fast so sign up if you are interested. Michael Madigan & I went on a prior trip with this same group to Guatemala and enjoyed it immensely.
Frederick, MD, KFDK – May 17
Tom Haines has graciously agreed to organize a great event at AOPA.
- Arrive 9:30. Park at AOPA ramp. Tour of AOPA offices.
- 10AM – Adrian Eichorn flew around the world and over the poles in his V Tail Bonanza and will give a talk about his trips.
- 11:30 – Walk over to the restaurant for lunch.
I am looking forward to being there. I have heard Adrian’s talk before and enjoyed it.
B2OSH Formation Clinic , WV, KMRB – May 14 – 18
The primary objective of this clinic is to prepare new or inexperienced formation pilots for participation in B2OSH, and to refresh B2OSH veterans for this year’s flight. New formation pilots will initially fly with safety pilots. The clinic will focus on 2-ship basics: formation takeoff, fingertip station-keeping, route formation, cross-unders, and formation landing.
We will fly a B2OSH Mass Formation simulation flight as part of the B2OSH preparation. By the end of the clinic, new pilots should be qualified to participate as B2OSH wingmen. This clinic does not plan extensive 4-ship flying; however, experienced formation pilots are welcome to arrive early for possible 4-ship practice, then stay to help as safety pilots!
Paul Stavrides notes: Zaz puts on a great clinic. Darn, two events on the same weekend. I’m hoping I can sneak out of the Formation Clinic and head over to KFDK for a bit…
Canada – July 6 to July 12. Our week long trips to Canada are always a success and we’ll do that again. An idea was suggested to spend 3 days in the Picton, Ontario region on the lake and 3 days in St. Catherines, Ontario area. Picton is known for world-class wineries, sandy beaches, and boutique accommodations. St. Catherines is a historic town in the well-known Niagara on the Lake region of Ontario. I have been to neither of these areas and am looking forward to it.
I am inclined to go to Picton first for 3 nights then St. Catherines for 3 nights. What works best for a group is for us to stay in a big hotel or resort where we can gather and interact. I do not know of any big resorts in these areas, I have not yet researched it. If you have any ideas, I am all ears.
Jimmy Stewart Airport and Museum – October 4. Steve Weintraub volunteered to organize a trip to Indiana, PA (KIDI). There is an on-site café and self-serve fuel. Put this on your calendar.
Let me know if you have any other ideas, I am always open to help organizing events.
Long time friend and NEBG member Brent Hippert perished in his V35B on January 25. He lost his engine enroute, tried to land in a field and it did not work out. More details on BeechTalk. Brent was a regular on our week long Canadian trips, ex military aviator and well entrenched in the formation flying community.
2025 has been a tough year for aviation. I will really miss Brent at formation events and OSH. Trailing winds and blue skies, Brent – Paul Stavrides
Mike McNamara