Newsletter February, 2024
Aram Basmajian gave a talk on single pilot IFR including use of the autopilot on February 10 at 10AM at KRDG, Reading, PA and it was a very engaging talk with lots of audience participation. His talk concentrated on accident trends and how autopilots reduce workload.

Since I added a Garmin GFC500 a couple years ago after 20 years of flying with a Brittain wing leveler, I was interested and I did learn some things.
I counted 37 attendees which included NEBG members and many other area pilots. Bill VanArtsdalen from the FAA was also there to talk about the FAAST Team and the Wings program.

Afterwards we had lunch in Klinger’s restaurant.
Our next event is tentatively planned for April 20 to have lunch at the great restaurant near Montauk, NY Airport (KMTP). We have not been able to confirm anything due to it being closed for the winter. Being organized by Michael Madigan.
Note date change for lunch at KBAF, Westfield MA. Museum afterwards. The date is now MAY 11, not May 18 as previously scheduled. Organized by Michael Shehl, who also organizes our Facebook page. Thanks Michael.
Mike McNamara