The first NEBG event of 2024 was to sponsor an FAA WINGS seminar in the departure lounge of KRDG. We had about 33 attendees, many of them aircraft owners of other than Beechcraft products.
We want to thank Aram Basmadjian for taking the time to put together this event. Thanks also to the FAA WINGS team and Bill VanArtdalen for getting this together.

Coffee and danish provided by the NEBG for the attendees. Both a summary of the event and Aram’s PowerPoint slides are below.
There were quite a number of aircraft there. Here’s a photo of the ramp outside the restaurant:

Aram’s PowerPoint as a PDF:
Speaker: Aram Basmadjian Date: February 10, 2024 Location: Reading Regional Airport (RDG) Target Audience: Single-pilot Instrument Flight Rated (IFR) pilots, primarily Beechcraft owners but open to all
Main Topic: Using the autopilot effectively to reduce workload and improve situational awareness during IFR flight.
Key Points:
- Challenges of Single-Pilot IFR: Increased workload, multitasking demands, decision fatigue.
- Benefits of Autopilot: Allows pilot to focus on other tasks, reduces fatigue, improves overall safety.
- Importance of Knowledge: Understand your specific autopilot’s capabilities and limitations (RTFM!).
- Basic Autopilot Operations: Know how to engage/disengage, switch modes, and troubleshoot common issues.
- Setting Up for Departure: Pre-program desired altitude and heading before takeoff.
- Vertical Modes: Understand the differences between IAS, VS, VNAV, and ALT modes and choose the appropriate one for the situation.
- Autopilot Tips:
- Don’t engage AP until desired modes are selected.
- Use pitch wheel on mode controller for minor altitude adjustments in ALT mode.
- Reactivate lateral mode after changing nav sources.
- Use APR for approaches with vertical guidance, NAV otherwise.
- Practice TOGA (Take Off / Go Around) mode in VFR first.
- SIDs/STARs: Follow specific procedures for loading and flying these routes with the autopilot.
- Approach Procedures: Use the “5 A’s and 5 T’s” checklist for a smooth and safe approach.
Additional Information:
- The talk was sponsored by the FAA Safety Team and the NorthEast Bonanza Group.
- The presentation materials were available to attendees.
- Information about the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program was provided, including how to participate and earn credits.
Overall, this talk provided valuable information and tips for single-pilot IFR pilots on how to use the autopilot effectively to enhance safety and situational awareness.