May 6 – KPOU, Poughkeepsie, NY. Brunch at Paula’s on the Airfield. Sacha Botbol, who imported a Ukrainian Yak 18T as the Russians were invading Ukraine, gave a great presentation about the challenges of buying an airplane in Ukraine as the war drums were beating and shipping it out during the war. The seller flew him around in a Baron which was destroyed by war shortly thereafter. The large WW2 hangar that the Yak sat in was reduced to ashes shortly after the Yak was moved out.

Lunch in Paula’s Café for the 13 of us was good, the FBO right next door had a large TV we were able to present on. Sacha brought the Yak to the field so the 13 of us could admire the unusual engineering (by U.S. standards) and see it firsthand.

May 18-21 – The Martinsburg Panhandlerz formation clinic is May 18-21. Come check out a great airport and airspace for formation flying–and a great bunch of pilots to fly with! The spring clinic will focus on training new formation pilots and regaining proficiency for all to participate safely in B2OSH. Clinic sign up information is now on the B2OSH web site.
See you May 18 – 21!
June 1-4 – Hyannis, MA. I have landed at Hyannis but never stayed there. This village on Cape Cod is known for its wide beaches and the private Kennedy Compound. The John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum chronicles the assassinated president’s family vacations through videos and photographs.
At the Hyannis harbor, the Cape Cod Maritime Museum has boat building exhibits.
Main Street in downtown Hyannis is known for specialty shops, restaurants, and attractions.
As for lodging, the Hyannis Harbor Hotel looks to be the place where we can gather, socialize, and depart for various activities. I have already made my reservations; less than $1K for 3 nights with fees.
ForeFlight shows 4 FBO’s. The best one for piston aircraft to use is Griffin which is on the west side of the airport, across from Atlantic. Michael Madigan & I are sharing a car.
August 13-19 — St. John’s Newfoundland. I am already getting inquiries about this trip; people are excited.
If you are new to flying internationally, I have a writeup about how to fly to Canada. You can request it from me, and I will publish it in the newsletter as we get closer.
Approximate schedule, subject to change (as you wish):
— August 12 – Ginny & I will fly to Bangor & stay downtown, probably in a Marriott property. If you are joining us there, let me know.
— August 13 – Fly to St. John’s, Newfoundland. PAL Aviation seems to be the place for the piston crowd. Comments talk about $125 (C) Handling charge but that includes 3 nights parking, so I guess OK (I think that is $90 US). Fuel is very expensive so if you have tip tanks you will tanker fuel in.
– Last time we stayed at the Sheraton hotel downtown, which is a 4-star hotel, in a great
location, and cheap. 4 nights.
– Enterprise will deliver cars to the FBO. I recommend a bigger car (SUV) for 2 couples to
— August 14 – day trip to Terra Nova National Park.
— August 15 – day trip down the west side of Avalon peninsula
— August 16 – historic walking tour of St. John’s
— August 17 – Travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon, France. It’s a short ferry ride or a shorter flight. They do get fog there. If you bring a car over, you need French insurance. Stay two nights.
— August 19 – Fly to Bangor, ME to clear customs. Ginny & I will stay overnight Saturday night & fly home early Sunday. If your airplane is in St. Pierre France, you can overfly Canada and fly direct to the U.S.
June 1-4 – Hyannis, MA. Stay downtown, JFK museum, beaches, shopping, great restaurants
August 13-19 – St. Johns, Newfoundland. Side trips to St. Pierre, France, Bonavista Coast (great history), Terra Nova National Park, Avalon Peninsula.
October 6-8 – Kennebunkport, Maine
November 4 – Reading, PA annual planning meeting.
Please sign up for events on .